
15th century wedding ring

15th century wedding ring

We would like to introduce you to a beautiful wedding ring from the 15th century.
When viewed from the outside, it has a really simple and rustic shape, resembling a thick plate of gold.
Inside is a crescent-shaped ruby, a heart-shaped diamond,It is engraved with vows suitable for a wedding ring.
By intentionally hiding the vows and jewelry inside,I think this is a wonderful wedding ring that expresses something important that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as love.
The rubies and diamonds that are set inside this ring are extremely rare and expensive for this type of medieval wedding ring, as at the time, gemstones were much harder to come by than they are now, and they were rare and expensive. This is a rare decoration.

我们想向您介绍一枚 15 世纪的美丽结婚戒指。

Around 1550 Renaissance enamel cabochon ruby

Around 1550 Renaissance enamel cabochon ruby

"Made of highly pure gold, it feels heavy and comfortable when you hold it in your hand.
What catches the eye is a bright, high-quality ruby ​​with a dark pink color.At that time, rubies that traveled far from Burma and Ceylon were difficult and expensive to obtain, and the color was especially beautiful. It must have been a delight to the ring's original owner.
Existing Renaissance rings often use stones such as crystals and garnets, and those that use stones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are extremely rare, and are especially expensive among Renaissance rings. is. "


Circa 1890 Single letter ring

Circa 1890 Single letter ring

This single letter ring with a shiny, deep-colored ruby is very attractive.
Single letter rings are often seen as a common design, but this ring has a very lovely atmosphere. The joy of design is that even a similar design can have a completely different feel with slight differences in stone size, bezel design, setting, etc. In the case of this ring, the bezel is rounded off, and the ring is set with a single stone.
In the case of this ring, the bezel is rounded to follow the roundness of the finger, and when placed on the finger, it seems to wrap around the finger, giving it a gentle and lovely impression. The setting of the stone is also unique, and the light watermark is also a good design.
A single letter design with the stone set straight gives a sharp and cool impression, but this ring has a different charm.
The deep and profound red of the ruby attracts the eye, and the diamonds shine in white, enhancing the red of the ruby.


16th century, Renaissance, Framboise ruby

16th century, Renaissance, Framboise ruby

This is a very rare 17th century Renaissance ring.
Set with table-cut rubies of a deep pinkish raspberry color and white enamel, this Renaissance ring is small in overall size and is a lovely type of ring with a luxurious atmosphere.
This type of ring was a special jewel worn by the heavily dressed aristocrats in portraits of the 16th century.

这是一枚非常罕见的 17 世纪文艺复兴时期戒指。
这种戒指是 16 世纪肖像画中衣着华丽的贵族佩戴的特殊珠宝。

Art Deco Ruby Diamond Ring

Art Deco Ruby Diamond Ring

The contrast between the white sparkle of the diamonds and the sumptuous red of the Burmese rubies enhances the best qualities of each.
In addition, the fine platinum milgrain setting on the surface of the base metal to reflect the light and the caliber cut of the ruby emphasize the precision of a jewel created in the 1920s. The combination of brilliant sparkles and sparkling colors emanating from everywhere, visible with every movement of her beautifully manicured hands, ensured that every eye was drawn to the woman wearing this magnificent ring.

